As human beings, we’re bound to feel incomplete at some point in our lives.
We’ve likened ourselves to puzzles, trying to find what or who will complete us.
We spend our entire lives searching, and sometimes end up wasting our time,
Only to realize that the puzzle of self may not be a puzzle at all.
They say we used to have two heads, then God split us from our other halves.
This led to us wandering the earth searching for our other halves that will complete us.
There are only around 7.5 billion people on Earth, so you’re bound to find them, right?
Or maybe you can stop looking, and start to think of yourself differently.
Photo by: Jay Villafuerte
You’re more like a piece of clay, or maybe a sandbox.
You don’t necessarily need to have any other half, or missing pieces.
You just aren’t in the shape or form you want to be.
Or you might not even know what that shape or form is.
We’re humans, not puzzle pieces.
We are puzzles in our own ways, but we do not need to live, searching for our missing parts.
Instead, why not try to create your missing parts from scratch?
Your life is a piece of a puzzle that you can mold and shape into anything you want.
Now take your puzzle.
And stare at it for as long as you want.
Reflect, learn, and grow.
Until the day you can finally deem yourself complete.