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Stoplight – An Open Letter to Graduates and Almost Graduates

Sunday Julaton

Congratulations! You’ve made it this far after a long and arduous journey.

There’s only one thing left, crossing the last road towards graduation. You and your friends wait eagerly on one end staring at the light above, waiting for it to turn green. They say the final stretch is the hardest part of the journey. The waiting game can get intense, and you start thinking if everything is already set in stone.

At long last, the light turns green


Everyone starts to walk to the other side together when suddenly you hear a voice-

“Get out of my way!”

You quickly step back and avoid the incoming raging driver that almost hit you. As you breathe a sigh of relief, you realize that you’re all alone.

The stoplight has turned red once more. You missed your chance. Your friends continue to walk, with only some looking back to catch a small glimpse of you behind the moving traffic.

“I want to catch up,” you think to yourself, then quickly correct, “I NEED to catch up.”

Still, the moving cars block your passage, the smoke emitted blocks your view, and the red stoplight shines as if it mocks your entire being.

Is it your fault? Is it your fault that some random driver ended up being the only hindrance to your final goal?

You can always blame yourself for not being prepared for the worst.

You can always become the victim of random mishaps in the game of chance we call life.

You can always become the person that fell behind the rest of the pack, waiting for the stoplight to turn green again


But once the dust settles and the light turns green, if you still have the will to walk, do it.

Not everyone you know will be waiting for you on the other side of the road, but I assure you no matter how many times you try to cross it, you will get there. Because every time you fail to cross, you learn something, and you will keep learning until you take your first step on the other side of the road as a new person.

Know that this is not the only stoplight you will face in life. There will be many more that can hinder you in the future. Always remember that all stoplights are just temporary stops. What once was red will turn green again. As long as you have the will to wait out the dreaded stoplights of life, you will end up on the other side of the road fulfilled, changed, and better than ever before.

Again, no matter where you are right now, if you’re only about to cross or have already crossed the road, congratulations.

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