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Coloring the Future

Sunday Julaton

Once again, a chapter is coming to a close before a cycle begins anew.

The final page approaches as the days before the year’s end dwindle, and the pen runs out of black ink, from the jumps and hurdles of the pink roses to the peace signs of the red and green. To all the wars fought thereabout and in-between.

In the end, was it worth it?

Struggling against the blue light of the screen at midnight, grinding through the seemingly endless stream of submissions on a mission to succeed. Telling yourself that there’s no other choice and you must believe you’ll make it out on the other end of the tunnel to see the faint light of tomorrow.

But your world turns gray.

Swimming against the unrelenting wave of thoughts that consumes who you are. Weighing on your mind and heart the more you clash against it, thinking word per word of what can propel you forward. Clinging on to anything you can see as you drown in a boundless sea conjured by your very thoughts as you gasp for air-

Breathe in color.

The yellow sun rises over the horizon as you’ve made it onto the shore. A place that is safe, and the world looks vivid once more. Your pen is out of ink, with your pages soaking wet, but no more dramas and deadlines spiraling in your head. You deserve to close this book you’ve been writing for so long. Now it’s time to catch your breath as you reevaluate your rights from your wrongs.


The clock keeps on ticking, and the sands keep on trickling down, even as you rest your weary face. You deserve it, a hug with a warm embrace. You are the brush throughout all the struggles you’ve been through. A hue that can change a world in gray, for the light of tomorrow is but a rainbow of color that starts today.

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