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Survival Guide: Ways To Ace Your Test

Zamie Umal

Admit it. We've all been there. Receiving a ton of homeworks and projects that you still haven't started yet and you have other commitments to do but another exam pops up this week. You tried studying but nothing enters your brain. Don't you worry friend, I got you! Here are some techniques on how you can study effectively.

1. Connect what you’re learning with something you already knowI am fond of this technique. Based on the book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, scientists Henry Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel said that "the more strongly you relate new concepts to concepts you already understand, the faster you’ll learn the new information"For example: If you are taking Biological Science, you can think of white blood cells as soldiers fighting the diseases in our body in that way you'll have a keyword in anything.

2. If your eyes are tired of reading, why not try recording your notes by yourself.I get lazy when it comes to reading sometimes and I'm always on the go, that's why I swear on this hack especially when you commute going to school. Just record yourself while reading your notes loudly at night then listen to it at daytime. You won't have any reason not to study since it's on your phone.

3. Practice regular study breaks.Reading everything in one go won't help you remember everything. Try having a 20 - minute nap every 2 hours of studying. In that way, your brain will have time to absorb all that you read and no effort will go to waste4. Hydration is the key! We are made with 75% of water, that's why it is crucial for you to be hydrated especially when you are reviewing. Drink 8 glassses of water each day and your brain will function in its best performance through out the day. Your body will thank you later.There you have it! Four easy steps for you to pass your exams and receive an uno every term.

Goodluck on your exams klasmeyts!

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