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Endless cycle

Ara Nicole Pulido

Updated: Jul 22, 2021

From the inside looking out, it’s frustrating to watch other nations gradually going back to the normal we once had. It is not only rooted from mere jealousy but also from the reliability of our leaders.

We started off the year with the news of procuring vaccines in the attempt to solve the pandemic, which is a lot better from the solutions they implemented before. It sprung a bit of hope at first but ended up as a matter of a long discussion. The whole idea of giving vaccines to the people is the most ideal move in this deal. However, the issues that arose along the process eradicated the hope of Filipinos to finally win against the pandemic.

To start off, the choice of vaccine to procure has been very questionable. With the budget they allot for the campaign, why would they opt for Sinovac that came from a country that does not even use their own product? There are other cheaper brands with higher efficacy rates. To top it all off, leaders seem to be focusing on picking an argument with other government officials from the opposition.

A lot of things are really questionable and frustrating to hear on the news while the spread of the virus is still uncontrollable.

However, I will still give them credit for the decision to procure AstraZeneca as one of the vaccines to give. Compared to Sinovac, it is a safer option for the people. This, along with the procedure to follow, makes sense and is organized.

You would think that after a year of being in a lockdown and staying in the pandemic, that leaders will be able to think of a better and selfless way to win this battle. Every move seems to be very political and favors the ones sitting above. It’s bad enough that Filipinos were forced to accept the new normal but to see the higher-ups acting the way they do just adds up to the cruelty of this pandemic.

Moreover, the controversy in this attempt of the government to overcome the virus still has loopholes. Even a regular student like me can point it out. Pointing it out does not equate to me offering a new plan or suggestion to make things right. It is not my job but theirs.


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