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AUSG calls to end semester, surveys parents

Maureen Kate Basa

The Adamson University Student Government (AUSG) appealed to Adamson University (AdU) administration to end the current semester through a formal letter sent to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) office last April 5.

The request was made to consider the situation of many Adamsonians struggling from the academic requirements amid worries on the rising cases of COVID-19 in the country.

“…considering our country’s condition, our fellow Adamsonians, our families struggling in this pandemic, and the current situation of the online academic approach; we perceive it to be inhumane to continue with the semester,” the letter read.

The document also contained various reports the AUSG received over the past weeks, such as professors and students’ families undergoing isolation due to COVID-19 symptoms, and “online fatigue” the students experienced after the request to implement a holy week break was rejected, among others.

With this, AUSG laid alternatives on the grounds of easing course-based demands while prioritizing the safety of the Adamson community:

1. Allow the students to automatically get a “PASSED” mark in minor subjects and have just ONE final requirement in all major subjects.

2. Conduct an online panel defense on the theses/dissertations.

3. Suspend online classes (synchronous and asynchronous activities) effectively.

4. The immediate conclusion of the current semester and giving general passing marks to students.

5. And lastly, permit the students who are currently taking board courses, interested, and capable of consistent learning should have their pacing by having access to recorded lectures and modules to read on Blackboard for the remaining second semester just like the learning approach conducted on Coursera.

To further convince the university administration to hear the appeal out, AUSG is currently conducting a survey for parents regarding their views, recommendations, and to gather data on the current situation of the students’ families.

Initially aimed to gather 7,000 respondents by April 9, the survey has accumulated only 5,560 responses.

Photo grabbed from: Adamson University Student Government Facebook page

AUSG then posted an explanation on why the target number of respondents is important in their Facebook page.

“AdU has a total of 11,000 college students, which means getting 7,000 respondents amounts to more than the majority of the population,” said AUSG.

Moreover, the organization further urged Adamsonians to help reach the quota, pointing out how results from the previous survey were rejected because it only gathered 350 responses.

The organization, however, assured that the total responses gathered still counts as valid at 51.5% of the College Department population.

Many Adamsonians have then showed support for the movement through a Facebook profile photo frame captioned with the tags #EndSemesterNowAdU, #AdUNotLeaveUsBehind, and #HearUsOutAdU.



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