It was a two-peat for the Communication Department as three freshmen competed in the Debato VII: The Primer Academic Debate, February 22.
Freshmen Communication students, Chrizia Paras, Hannah Rania Disalongan, and Jillian Mosquito dominated the competition despite them being first year students and lacking experience by showing their skills in public-speaking.
COMMunity’s representatives under the “Opposition Team” went against the College of Biology which represented the “Government Team” composed of Ronaldo Sales, James Belleza, and Thea Laorenza. Both teams argued the legalization of same sex civil union during the first round which was won by the “Opposition Team” under unanimous decision.
The team made their way to the final round as the “Government Team”, and were hailed as champions against Adu-Pulitika from College of Political Science under the “Opposition Team” composed of Gianfranco Bañaga, Ralph Eric Bernardo, and John Paul Castillote. This time, both parties discussed their arguments about the requirement of college degree on elected officials.
The Department of Communication made a powerful opening when they started their arguments with the famous quote of Vladimir Lenin, “One man with a gun can control one hundred without one”.
They have also stood up towards the idea of raising the standards of qualifications of filing for electoral posts, with #RaiseTheStandard for their closing remark. On the other hand, AdU-Pulitika strongly pointed out the idea of inclusivity.
Despite their defeat, representatives from Adu-Pulitika said they were proud, “Of course! We have presented many perspectives or angles from different issues or topics. It’s not always for the people inside the community (Adamson), it’s for everyone, for the nation. It helps those grassroots sectors to make empowered by the issues we have tackled.”
Hosted by the Students of Philosophy Association (SOPHIA), the event was successfully judged by the reputable adjudicators, Professor Exur Jay B. Arabia from Social Science Department, Professor Marlon A. De Luna from St. Vincent School of Theology, and Professor Joel S. Zaporteza from the Communication Department.
Other participants from different year levels were the SOPHIA from the College of Philosophy, the Physics Society of Adamson University (PSAU), and the College of Nursing.
Other winners of this successful debate competition were from AdU-Pulitika, bagging the 1st Place title; and the
College of Nursing for the 2nd Place.
Mr. Edwin D. Padrilanan, Chairperson of Social Science Department, emphasized in his closing remarks the importance of Vincentian philosophy, and how members of this community must be able to apply and share their learnings to the society especially for those who needed it the most.