Adamson University Communication Department gathered for this year’s general assembly with the theme of “Cultiv8: Talent, Skill, Character” held at Adamson University Theater last Wednesday, September 8, 2019.
The annual commencement was initially conducted with a mass led by Fr. William Azul D. Encelan, C.M., and followed by the opening remarks of Mr. Joel Zaporteza, a faculty member, and Ms. Ailene Ayson, the Chairperson. The discussion of policies was also discussed by the former while the important deadlines was tackled by the latter.
Aside from the astounding performances spearheaded by its very own student organizations such as the “Creative Communicators Society of Adamson University (CreaComms), G-Circle with some Alumni, Falcon Radio Station (FRS), and lastly, the Komunikator, what touched the most of the hearts of the Comm-unity is when Ms. Ayson delivered her dedicated speech towards the audience.
In line with this year’s theme, the said speech transcends the invaluable definition of “cultivate” as she enumerated each letter with its own meaning. The full text of the speech follows:
“C-ommunicate what you know and field effectively...”, communication is one of the pillars of this college department, it’s significant for every students to communicate effectively and understand its true value.
“U-nderstand with your heart. In that way, it would be easier to empathize with other people”. As one of the Vincentian’s teachings, all students are expected to be compassionate no matter how difficult times can be.
“L-ive your dreams. Don’t allow anyone to take that away from you”. It speaks volumes about how someone would defy the odds. There are times in life that we’d encounter such challenges that would hinder us from achieving our dreams. The key to success is to never give up.
“T-hink of ways on how you could help others. The more blessed we are, the more blessings we should share to other people”. The said statement explains the acts of charity which embodies the true spirit of an Adamsonian.
“I-mitate God’s goodness. Every little good thing we do has a positive ripple effect on those around us.” A simple act of kindness propagates positivity which is substantial in our community.
“V-alue honesty and integrity in your studies. Respect the works of others. Use citations. And give credit to those whose works you may have borrowed.” It has been taught countless times to everyone that it’s a cardinal sin to commit plagiarism. As technology improves, the ways of getting information has become convenient and accessible which led us to that phase of “copy-and-paste-syndrome”.
“A-ppreciate your family and loved ones. Life is short. Tell them that you love and care for them too. Do not take life for granted.” Ms. Ayson explained that the value of time and our relationship with our family and loved ones are significant. There are times we tend to get focused on our career yet we lose time spending with them.
“T-hank the Lord for the gift of life. Make sure that you live your life to the fullest. Because sometimes, we do not get a second chance.” The said quote moved us to take all the opportunities that can possibly be given to us --- may it be within the campus or outside the real world. And with every chances we take, never forget to give thanks to our Giver and ask guidance from Him.
“E-njoy your life as a student. Remove time-wasters and learn to work with others. Your teachers and I will help you in any way we can but you should help yourselves first”, as she ended her speech.
It was a graceful deliverance of spiel that Ms. Ayson have shared to everyone. Many in the audience found the speech “inspiring” and “wonderful”. Also, the yearly activity once again proved that despite of our different perspectives and roles in our lives, we can all act as one, as we are united to attain our department’s mission and vision.